"CosmoMogul" is an inter-college competition organized by the Cosmopolitan Club as part of Birla Institute of Management Technology flagship event, Vihaan. This event is crafted to foster creativity, global awareness, and entrepreneurial spirit among students by engaging them in three structured rounds:
Round 1: International Current Affairs Quiz
Round 2: Business Plan (B-Plan) Submission
Final Round: Live B-Plan Presentation
Event Objective:
CosmoMogul aims to encourage students to think globally, demonstrate their entrepreneurial acumen, and devise creative solutions for setting up businesses in diverse international markets.
Event Details:
Partnering with CosmoMogul means investing in the future of leadership, innovation, and entrepreneurship.
We are Team Cosmopolitan, a dedicated and enthusiastic student-led club at BIMTECH that thrives on promoting global exposure, cultural exchange, and professional growth among students. As part of the PGDM-IB (International Business) program, our goal is to create platforms that inspire creativity, entrepreneurial thinking, and cross-cultural understanding.
Through events like CosmoMogul, we provide students with opportunities to showcase their global awareness, problem-solving abilities, and business acumen while fostering meaningful connections between academia and industry.
At Team Cosmopolitan, we believe in collaboration, innovation, and excellence, driving initiatives that empower future leaders to think beyond boundaries.
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